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Heart & Soul with @lcalandrella – Leadership comes from the heart
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Heart & Soul with @lcalandrella – Leadership comes from the heart

A few words about Laura Calandrella

Today I have the privilege of sharing with you the wisdom of a passionate person who’s making a difference in the world by making this life about something greater than herself. Laura Calandrella is a courageous woman who has traveled the world helping communities find sustainability and in doing so has realized that she feels alive when she contributes to the evolution of humanity in her very own way. I’m especially grateful to share this video with you because Laura is someone who really gets the

importance of co creating a reality through a very refreshing leadership style where everyone is involved in being part of the change, and where she can gently lead not from an authoritative place but from a true knowing that what is created in collaboration, is far more interesting and sustainable that what is dictated by an authority figure. I had the privilege to talk with Laura for far longer than this interview lasts and can tell you that I am absolutely impressed with her understanding of the world, her vulnerability, her openness, and the enormous heart that she offers freely in her service of others. I invite you to listen to this conversation and I forecast that it will remind you to connect with what you are most passionate about now.

Larn more about Laura

To learn more about Laura (Impact accelerator, visionary strategist for change, igniter for action)

Visit: www.lauracallandrella.com

You can also connect with her on Twitter or Facebook.